I morgon, måndag den
25 maj, startar i Norrland Arctic Challenge Exercise, den stora
flygstridsövningen med också Natoplan som deltagare. Ca 100 flygplan kommer
under flera dagar att vrålande sniffa över trädtopparna i ett stort område.
Samtidigt kommer på Medborgarplatsen
med start måndag 25 maj kl 18 folk
samlas till en manifestation mot spektaklet.
Hoppas att många kommer att möta upp där. Vi ses då hoppas Åke
Dear Mr Sandin,
SvaraRaderaApologies for putting this message here, but i was hoping to have a word with you - I'm a London-based author writing about the case of the Intrepid Four - I see you've posted your phone number on the blog - perhaps you wouldn't mind if I gave you a call at some point in the next few days?
All the best
Matthew Sweet
Dear Mr Sweet
SvaraRaderaYou are most welcome to contact me by telephone. The American deserters The Intrepid Four I remember with delight and I am still proud of the fact that we in our local peace organisation TUFF took care of them from the end of 1967