söndag, april 17

Gandhianen Bhikhu Vyas om religion m m

Sedan 1979 har Bhikhu Vyas varit Tyresö Ulands- och FredsFörenings (TUFF) främsta partner i Indien. Tillsammans med sin fru Kokila och andra medarbetare har han på ett utmärkt sätt förvaltat de många miljoner kr Tuff har skickat. De har räckt till många gånger mera i Indien än i Sverige. Det har blivit massor av skolor och elevhem men också ett par hundra brunnar, över 100 000 mangoträd, dammar, hälsovård m m. (Se http://www.tuff.fred.se ) Den 7-22 maj besöker Bhikhu och två andra i teamet Sverige och Tyresö.

Han bor i delstaten Gujarat som flera gånger drabbats av mordiska upplopp mellan hinduer och muslimer. Om religionens roll skickade han härom året nedanstående text till TUFF.
Wether we like it or not, religion today is one of the most discredited word. Do we find honesty, integrity and humanitarian angle in deeds and words of those, who claim to be religious and preach? Then what does religion mean in actuality? There is nothing left in all the traditional religions, accept some rituals and bias. I do not find any thing positive in present day organized religions, accept that they might serve the psychological need, with mental images for the week and sick It is my modest opinion that even concept of God is imaginary. Of course, religion is linked with God [?].

If we think of Indian scenario and elsewhere [like Buddhist Shree Lanka today], religions play nothing but divisive role. On individual level, religious fanatics are no less dangerous than terrorists By and large terrorism is an off - shoot of religions. Wether in Orissa long back or in Bombay in recent times or Ahmedabad blood - bath a few years back, it took naked form of terrorism. Between nations [at war] religion do not come any where in way against violence and cruelty. On the contrary, they support wars and do not speak out or take ethical sides Today religions create more problems than they solve. They divide the society, they miss - guide poor, exploit and instigate them giving nothing in return, accept futile hopes or taking away what little they have. If the religions want to serve any purpose, they should lead to concrete action, based on truth and love.

Only when we are inspired from within, translated into positive action we are religious - if at all some people want me to name. The pain, sorrow, neglect, needs and worriers of others should be uppermost in the realm of such religious followers It seems to be otherwise today. Here there is nothing to compare with inner joy and internal growth If I am compelled to define - intense sensitivity itself is religion and duty in our terminology [Dharama means religion in Indian philosophy].

One philosopher has said that 'Family is the seed-bed of virtues'. But what is the utility of virtues and values, behavior - to be exact], if they do not inspire one to see beyond her/his self and family? Values and virtues put into instant action may be termed as religion. Otherwise family and self - development are strong limiting forces, making us self-centered to be modest, or even selfish to the core. They are unlimited in nature when one works only for materialistic gains, leading to competition, greed, greed and nothing but greed.

The society is full of problems like lack of primary needs like water, food, shelter etc., no schooling – even at primary level, problem of malnutrition, ill health - to be precise hunger, discrimination between gender – caste - community & injustice - to name a few. What is the role of the religion? The list could be exhaustive..Some times if there is a role - positive action of religions towards resolution of such problems - there are ulterior motives. It has nothing to do with quality - side of the religion.

We cannot be religiously rich islands, amidst ocean of abject poverty, scarcity and neglect. I will rather like to work than pray. If one is believer [most of the people are, I know] should try to see God only in poor; no where else. in that case, we have to go on Loving, Caring and Sharing. That is the essence of religion - if there is any.

Bhikhu Vyas

1 kommentar:

  1. Problemet är väl att religion bara finns i folks huven, och därmed kan användas till exakt vad respektive person vill använda den till.

    Religioner, eller kalla det ideologier, är nödvändiga förenklingar av en komplicerad värld. Utan dem klarar vi oss inte, då går vi vilse redan efter några steg. Men varje ideologi är bara ett närmevärde som inte innebär någon säkerhet så snart man rör sig utanför det vanda.

    Jag tror det är fel att som Vyas gör fördöma ideologier som sådana. Vi måste bara lära oss att tona ner deras roll något. Och framför allt ge fan i att låta dom definiera oss själva som "muslimer", "kristna", "vi inom vänstern" etc etc. Vi själva bör definieras av vår position i samhället. Inte av mönstret i våra huven.
